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“Doctor Pabst?”

“Not now, Violet, we’re working against the clock here.”

“That’s what I mean, Doctor. I think she’s waking up.”

“Already? I mean, that’s good but I need more time to fix the monitoring on her suit. Give her some Xenon or Isoflurane and tell Weber that we may start early.”

Assistant Dufresne threw up her hands and gave her superior a unbelieving look.

“Doc, we’re not in your lab. We’re only two people in an ASE. I have some breathing gas hooked up and there is a resus kit in the control room. That’s it.”

Doctor Pabst looked up from the body of the unconscious woman lying on the couch. She looked tired. And desperate.



This is a 2021 remaster of the first story of the Intravenus Project. All photos are from 2016. The Intravenus Project is a collection of connected photo stories taking place in the near future. The style has been described as "eerie tech eroticism".


Model: https://www.instagram.com/shalavandroll/

The stories feature beautiful women wearing electrodes and barcodes tattoos on their skin. Posing with tubes, infusions, VR headsets and wires. A glimpse into a world in which technology controls us just a little more than we have control over it.

AuthorGabriel Bischoff
Average sessionA few seconds


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Early Bird - intravenusproject.com.pdf 62 MB
Early Bird.zip 897 MB

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