A downloadable project

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“So let me get this straight, Chief Engineer. You will take part in my dream study. But all you tell me will be confidential, I’m obliged to anonymize all references to your person or position within the Project, any inquiry for clarification on any topic that may or may not come up in your dream scenarios is highly discouraged and you may or may not stage a fatal lab accident if I infringe on our agreement?”

“Is that a problem, Doctor Maurer?”

It was the first time that Kagami or Samantha had set foot in the Department of Oneironautics. At least as far as she remembered. Boring esoteric pen pushers. That’s what Sam used to call them. Kagami wasn’t so sure. At first glance Alodie Maurer was a lean, unimposing woman covered in freckles. But at second glance those freckles looked a lot like the remains of hematoma. Rope marks, maybe? What were they doing in here?

“Oh, I’m not a doctor. I have a master’s degree in psychology and advanced training in psychotherapy. Enough to become the queen of the pen pushers, I suppose. Just call me Alodie. No offense taken, by the way.”

Kagami did not care about degrees. Confiding in Mileya was the first step. But to pacify her dreams she needed an ally that was as crazy as her existence itself.

“Alodie. Good. So, Alodie. Is that a problem?”

“That must be some dream that haunts you. I’m in. So, where are you? In your dream, I mean?”


The Intravenus Project is a collection of connected photo stories taking place in the near future. The style has been described as "eerie tech eroticism".


Model:  https://www.instagram.com/miyuxx44/  

The stories feature beautiful women wearing electrodes and barcodes tattoos on their skin. Posing with tubes, infusions, VR headsets and wires. A glimpse into a world in which technology controls us just a little more than we have control over it.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

A Dream of Pride and Envy - Photo Story (PDF) 104 MB
A Dream of Pride and Envy - 01 - Sam 970 MB
A Dream of Pride and Envy - 02 - Kagami 813 MB

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